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Favourite Movie Scenes | Return of the King

Amisha S

Lord of the Rings is regarded as one of the best trilogies of all time. Everyone has their favourite of the three, but mine is with a doubt Return of the King; it has so many incredible moments and perfectly pays off the build up of the previous films. Though I love scenes such as Legolas taking down an Oliphant, 'you bow to no one', the defeat of Sauron, the lighting of beacons and er anything with Samwise- the moment I return to most frequently is the Ride of the Rohirrim scene:

*Spoiler alert for Return of the King (why haven't you watched this already?)*

There are many battle scenes in Lord of the Rings and it is the mark of Peter Jackson's talent that each feels distinct and memorably unique. The Helm's Deep siege in Two Towers is, in my opinon, the most impressive sequence in the trilogy in terms of action and pure entertainment. The use of a unique setting and obstacle after obstacle makes for an incredibly crafted finale. However, the charge of Theodens army is- for me at least- the most emotionally charged and awe-inspiring battle...ever?

In terms of pure spectacle, the CGI of the enormous army still holds up today (despite being released in 2003) even compared to the ocean of CGI in the somewhat comparable The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies, released in 2014. Something I would criticise about the latter battle is that it relied on massive wide shots which- whilst impressive in terms of numbers- led to the impression of waves upon waves of CGI soldiers with little identity other than elf, dwarf etc. Here we get to see mostly close ups of the horse-riding soldiers, including characters we recognise and are rooting for, hence increasing the stakes. Wide shots are used sparingly, but when they are used- for example at 3.34- it's absolutely incredible.

Speaking of characters, another element that makes this scene so exuberant is Theoden's inspiring battle speech and the war cries by his army- "DEATH!". We also get to feel the fear involved through the perspective of Eowyn and Merry who have snuck into the army to fight amongst their comrades. They are the the audience's perspective in an otherwise unimaginable battle.

Of course, I must mention Howard Shore's incredible music. It elevates so many parts of these movies and especially so here. The score itself is called 'Battle of the Pelennor Fields' and builds magnificently, making for an epic charge. The soundtrack is so integral to the power of the scene.

Though the battle isn't the final fight against Sauron's forces, it still has an important place in the story. It marks the coming together of Men, especially given Theoden's previous refusal to help Gondor. Additionally, we've spent so much time with Gandalf and Pippin who are fighting within Gondor against all odds, but beginning to lose against the enormous force of Orcs. This adds to the euphoria of help arriving- just like when Gandalf arrived at Helm's Deep. Though some may call this repetitive, I think it adds to the idea of the people of Middle Earth banding together, one after the other until all stand against Sauron.

Overall, this is a scene that I love to come back to again and again. It's perhaps one of the best scenes in film and certainly one of the most euphoric.


Thank you for reading this article: find my other articles on my favourite movie scenes below.

I do not own any of the images or videos used in this post


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