Supporting all kinds of films is important- whether they be independent, foreign, classic or arthouse- however the 'blockbuster' has been an integral part of cinema since the release of 1975's Jaws led to the term being coined and subsequently to the beginning of the 'blockbuster era'. Here is a list of my 55 favourite blockbuster movies (excluding animation)...
Honorable mentions: Deadpool 2, Crazy Rich Asians, Catching Fire, Patriot Games, The Lone Ranger, The Golden Compass, Spiderman Homecoming, Shazam, Avatar, Titanic, The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug, The Jungle Book (2016), Cinderella (2015), 22 Jump Street, Star Wars The Last Jedi, Ready Player One, Batman Begins
55. The Hunger Games (2012)
The Hunger Games was a huge pop culture sensation and launched actress Jennifer Lawrence's career. Though it is easy to write the first film off as a standard young adult story, it features a great performace by Lawrence and a few stand-out scenes like the Reaping, Rue's death and anything with Stanley Tucci.
For more on the music from The Hunger Games: '8 Best James Newton Howard Scores'
54. Gravity (2013)
Gravity, like Avatar before it, was a technological landmark in cinema and features a stunning 17 minute long
take shot that left my head spinning.
For more on Gravity's long take: '14 Incredible Long Takes'
52. 21 Jump Street (2012)
I did not expect to like this movie at all however Channing Tatum and Jonah Hill sell the comedy, and there are a lot of genuinely great laughs and genre subversions.
53. X-Men: Days of Future Past (2014)
X-Men Days of Future Past takes one of the most famous X-Men comic storylines and adapts it to the established onscreen continuity in a mostly successful fashion. New additions to the cast, Quicksilver and Blink, are real highlights of the movie and the cast overall is star-studded.
52. Deadpool (2016)
Deadpool is a movie that perfectly brings a cocharactermic book to life, has exciting action and is full of hilarious one liners. Ryan Reynolds was born to play Wade Wilson, and the film came out at the perfect time to deconstruct the superhero formula.
51. Kingsman: The Secret Service (2014)
The 'Free Bird' church scene featuring Colin Firth is god-tier. Pun intended.
50. The Curse of the Black Pearl (2003)
When Disney decided to convert one of their theme park rides into a movie, they could not have known what a sensation it would be. The first of the Pirates of the Caribbean movies manages to capture the spirit of old-fashioned swashbuckling adventures and features an iconic lead performance by Johnny Depp.
49. Casino Royale (2006)
Daniel Craig's first outing as Bond was brought the franchise into the 21st century and is a solid spy flick.
48. Superman (1978)
A purely uncynical movie that is now all too rare in a climate where superhero movies need to be gritty or explosive or dark to stand out. Christopher Reeves gives a charming performance as both Clark Kent and Kal-El.
47. Speed (1999)
Speed is the ultimate guilty pleasure movie. It has a nonsensical premise and Keanu Reeves. What more do you need?
46. The Mummy (1999)
I really miss the unapologetic, slightly cheesy sense of adventure that movies like The Mummy encapsulated so well. Also, Brendan Fraser is an absolute delight here in the prime of his career.
Roger Ebert summarised this film perfectly: "There is hardly a thing I can say in its favor, except that I was cheered by nearly every minute of it."

45. Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol (2011)
Tom Cruise begins his death wish by scaling the tallest building in the world as part of the best segment of Ghost Protocol. This movie also marked the live action debut of Brad Bird, the director behind animation masterpieces, Ratatouille and The Incredibles.
44. Terminator 2 (1991)
Sarah Connor is a bad-ass. The villain is intimidating. (The kid is annoying). And Arnold Schwarznegger continues to be iconic.
43. Guardians of the Galaxy (2014)
Director James Gunn managed to make some of the most obscure comic book characters into instant favourites through a witty script and interesting casting. GotG also has an incredible soundtrack that actually fits with the story and shapes the style of the movie.

42. Spider-Man (2002)
I often forget just how well Peter Parker's origin story is told in Sam Raimi's interpretation of the character. This is a brilliant comic book movie that that was pivotal in shaping the superhero movie landscape as we know it.
41. Die Hard (1988)
It's not a Christmas movie, y'all.
40. X-Men: First Class (2011)
This is the closest to the comic book versions of X-Men that Fox has given us (apart from Logan and Deadpool perhaps) and definitely one of the most rewatchable films on this list. Henry Jackman's score is a highlight.
39. Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016)
Though not without flaws, Rogue One is the most effective of the Star Wars movies to portray the Rebellion, has stunning visual effects and its action-packed, emotional third act is magnificently done. And that Darth Vader cameo: *chef's kiss*.
38. Infinity War (2018)
This was my single most anticipated movie of all time (until Endgame) and it delivered in several ways. One was making Thanos one of the most memorable movie villains of recent years. Though the preceding couple of hours are fairly rote, its conclusion is hugely original and impactful.
If you want to read about Infinity War's score: 'Soundtrack Easter Eggs'
37. Wonder Woman (2017)
Gal Gadot is so stunning as the titular heroine and I am beyond excited for Patty Jenkin's sequel next year! The 'No Man's Land' scene remains to be one of the most inspirational superhero moments.

36. Mission Impossible 3 (2006)
This is the first of many appearances that director JJ Abrams will make on this list, especially when he steps into an established franchise. This is an incredibly dynamic spy thriller with Phillip Seymour Hoffman delivering an incredible performance as the franchise's best antagonist to date.
35. Twister (1996)
Twister is my definitive guilty pleasure movie and I make no apologies for it. It's absolute ridiculous fun and I have a blast watching all the tornado sequences.
34. Thor Ragnarok (2017)
Having enjoyed Hunt for the Wilderpeople and What We Do In the Shadows, it was hugely exciting to see Waititi's bonkers style bleeding through the familiar Marvel formula. Also the use of Led Zeppelin is so perfect it's insane.
For my review of Thor Ragnarok: 'The Best Thor Film Yet'
33. John Wick (2014)
Keanu Reeves is such a legend. That is all.
32. Spider-Man 2 (2004)
Sam Raimi's second Spider-Man movie is not only the second best Spider-Man movie (Into the Spider-Verse is the only choice for the first) but one of the best comic book movies ever made. The special effects hold up surprisingly well and the Doc Ock v Spidey fight sequence is legendary.
31. Star Trek Into Darkness (2013)
JJ Abram's take on Star Trek may have divided fans of the originals however the reboots are incredibly well made and I love Chris Pine, Karl Urban and Simon Pegg's reimagined versions of beloved characters.
30. War for the Planet of the Apes (2017)
One of the most boldly sombre mainstream movies to release in a long time as well as the most remarkable use of motion capture technology to date. Andy Serkis (the man behind many mo-cap performances like Gollum and King Kong) is a genius and this film makes me mind-blowingly excited for director Matt Reeve's upcoming take on Batman.
29. Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation (2015)
As good as a spy movie can get, the fifth in the MI series continued Tom Cruise's stunt insanity with him hanging outside of an aeroplane for real. And that's just the opening ten minutes of the film. The opera scene in particular is incredibly constructed with Rebecca Ferguson stealing the show as British operative Ilsa Faust.

28. The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian (2006)
The first two Narnia films have such a special place in my heart; Prince Caspian is not objectively any better than the preceding entries on the list but I just love it. Also, Harry Gregson Williams' score is very underrated.
27. War of the Worlds (2005)
War of the Worlds is two thirds of an utter masterpiece however I am willing to forgive its weak third act for the sheer brilliance in everything preceding it. The initial tripod arrival in particular is masterfully done. Spielberg brings such movie magic to every project of his.
26. Skyfall (2012)
Skyfall was a movie that I did not appreciate at the time, however upon rewatch, Roger Deakin's cinematography, Thomas Newman's score and an engaging script make this one of the most technically perfect films on this list.
25. The Dark Knight Rises (2012)
This movie gets a lot of hate however the score, Bane, Catwoman and an incredibly impactful ending makes this movie very memorable. I still do not understand Bane's plan though.
24. Iron Man (2008)
It is easy to forget just how *good* Iron Man was and still is. So many elements came together in just the right way and quite literally changed the course of Hollywood history.
23. Captain America: Winter Soldier (2014)
Winter Soldier is by far the best MCU solo movie and solidified Steve Rogers as one of my favourite superheroes. The highway and elevator fight scenes are amongst the best that comic book movies can offer. Also, Black Widow has never been better.
22. Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1989)
My favourite of the Indiana Jones movies- Harrison Ford and Sean Connery are such magic together. I wish they made more adventure movies like this.
21. Star Wars original trilogy (1977-1983)
Like it or not, Star Wars is one of the most impactful blockbusters to have ever been made, having embedded itself deep into pop culture and childhood nostalgia. Even when you strip away its incredible legacy, it's hard to deny the charm and imagination that the original trilogy have.
20. Star Wars: The Force Awakens (2015)
Yes- I like Force Awakens more than the original trilogy. Rey, Finn and Kylo Ren are incredible new characters and The Force Awakens blends CGI with practical effects really well. Composer John Williams is also back and better than ever.

19. Lord of the Rings: Two Towers (2002)
The Battle of Helm's Deep is one of the best extended action sequences ever put to film- many movies (even ones on this list) could learn a lot from it.
18. ET: the Extra-Terrestial (1981)
E.T was not as ingrained in my childhood as for a lot of people- however it is difficult to deny the utter magic that this movie holds thanks to director Steven Spielberg. For example, the flying bicycle scene is one of the most thrilling cinematic moments ever.
17. Home Alone (1990)
I highly debated whether Home Alone classified as a blockbuster. I am still unsure. What I am not unsure about is how much I love this film.
For a list of the best Home Alone quotes: 'The Best Quotes from Home Alone 1 and 2'
16. Star Trek (2009)
JJ Abrams once again features on this list with what is- in my opinion- his best movie.With 2009's Star Trek he managed to bring a beloved franchise back into mainstream with one of the most visually stunning blockbusters, a re-imagined cast and a thrilling story.
15. Avengers: Endgame (2019)
Officially the biggest movie of all time, Endgame was a movie that I had huge expectations for. Luckily, it perfectly pays off storylines, has an unusually sombre but effective first act and a fan pleasing finale.
A link to my explanation of every Easter Egg in the movie: 'References and Character Arcs Explained'
14. Logan (2017)
Logan is full of beautiful character moments and features incredible performances by its three leads but also manages to include some fantastically brutal, memorable action. This is a neo-western style comic book movie and I love it for that. Dafne Keen, star of the upcoming adaptation of His Dark Materials, is such a talent here.
13. The Matrix (1999)
A pivotal movie that inspired a whole generation to dodge bullets, wear sunglasses and question reality, The Matrix is a seamless blend of sci-fi and kung-fu.
12. Alien (1979)
Ridley Scott's Alien is a quintessential sci-fi horror featuring one of the best movie characters of all time, Ripley, and an atmospheric claustrophobic setting.
11. Avengers (2012)
The first Avengers movies was lightening in a bottle, a true landmark in Hollywood regardless of your feelings towards comic book movies. Director Joss Whedon had an impossible task but delivers one of the best scripted Marvel movies with an epic finale.
For my reimagining of the Avengers cast: 'Re-casting the Avengers with Classic Hollywood Stars'

10. Mission: Impossible Fallout (2018)
Somehow, every Mission movie since the third has been getting better and better. Fallout is absolute cinematic insanity featuring real sky dives, motorcycle riding and helicopter chases, all set to an impressive score by Lorne Balfe. Director Christopher McQuarrie is returning for the next two films in the franchise and I cannot wait.
9. The Bourne Ultimatum (2007)
The influence of the Bourne trilogy was great- leading to an increased use of (questionable) shaky camera in future movies. It also marked the transition from glossy, over the top James Bond-esque action to grittier fighting styles and an underdog hero.
Favourite Movie Scenes post: 'Waterloo scene from The Bourne Ultimatum'
8. Mad Max: Fury Road (2015)
Living up to its title, Fury Road is a delightfully bonkers, badass film that stands head and shoulders over many actions movies for its insane practical stunts in addition to its one-big-chase-scene plot.
Favourite Movie Scenes 4 post: 'Motorcycle Chase scene from Mad Max: Fury Road'
7. Jaws (1975)
The first official blockbuster still holds up as one of the best- Spielberg's masterful direction, John Williams' iconic score and memorable characters makes Jaws one of the best movies ever made.
Favourite Movie Scenes 9 post: 'Indianapolis Monologue from Jaws'
6. Back to the Future (1985)
The first Back to the Future movie is so iconic- a few mere notes of the score in Ready Player One was enough to cause a rush of nostalgia for any movie fan.
5. Harry Potter franchise (2001-2011)*
Harry Potter holds such a special place in my heart and it stands as one of the most consistently well-made franchises with an incredible cast, passionate craftsmanship and a thrilling, heart-warming, charming and British story.
*(I didn't list out each film in the series, as I want to do a dedicated ranking at some point).
For more on Harry Potter's music: 'The Best Scores from Every Harry Potter Movie'
4. Inception (2010)
Inception is such an inspirational movie for me due to its sheer originality and bold vision. There aren't many non-franchise blockbusters on this list, so seeing an original big-budget movie is always refreshing.
For an entire commentary on Inception: 'A Running Commentary of Inception'
3. The Dark Knight (2008)
The influence of Nolan's second Batman film can be seen in blockbusters even today. Featuring powerhouse performances by Heath Ledger, Aaron Eckhart, Gary Oldman and Christian Bale as well as a fantastic score, this is a film I revisit all the time.
For more on The Dark Knight trilogy's best music: 'The Best Dark Knight Trilogy Scores'

2. Jurassic Park (1993)
The original Jurassic Park holds up amongst all of the other movies on this list for its revolutionary use of visual/practical effects, classic Spielberg magic and iconic characters.
1. Lord of the Rings: Return of the King (2003)
Return of the King remains to be one of the most satisfying, epic and emotional finales to a film franchise of all time. Perfectly paying off the build up in the previous two films, there are so many incredible character moments and action sequences.
For more on my favourite scene from Return of the King: 'Movie Scenes 5- Ride of the Rohirrim'
Thank you for reading this article- let me know if I have missed any blockbusters out or what your favourites are in the comments below or through Twitter (@filmdomblog) or Instagram (cinematicwallflower).
I do not own any of the images used in this post.