It's incredible wholesome television, always choosing to highlight the beauty of family and friendship, and a show that cherishes the memory of childhood and the small moments in life...
Game Night Best Quotes
Game Night is one of the best Hollywood comedies to come out for years, and is quickly becoming one of my favourite comfort movies...
'Swords vs Weapons' sequence has incredibly intricate choreography, interesting camera angles, humour, drama and two charismatic and dedicated actresses.
Puss In Boots 2 & Into the Spider-Verse | The Future of Animation?
2018's Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse felt like a milestone for mainstream animation. It delivered a familiarly structured superhero origin story, but pulled it off with a perfect blend of heart, comedy and gorgeous visuals.
Watching Knives Out for the 4th Time | Full Movie Reaction
For this full length reaction, I have included both the time stamp but also a brief description of the scene in case you don't have the movie available to stream!