Game Night is one of the best Hollywood comedies to come out for years, and is quickly becoming one of my favourite comfort movies. The film stars Jason Bateman, Rachel McAdams, Jesse Plemons, Kyle Chandler, Billy Magnussen, Lamorne Morris and Kylie Bunbury. Here are a selection of my favourite quotes for the film, many of which are now firmly in my 'include this in conversation at any opportunity' list.
Jesse Plemons being generally iconic as Gary:
Gary: "Just checking the mail. Some people check it earlier in the day but there's always a risk that the mail carrier hasn't come yet...This spares me of a futile trip to the mailbox"
*awkward silence ensues*
This exchange forever lives in my head rent-free:
Gary: "Three bags of Tostitos scoops I notice."
Max: "...There was a special on these tonight. Three for one."
Gary: "Three for one?"
Max: "Yep."
Gary (dead-pan): "How can that be profitable for Frito-Lay?"
Max: "...These corporations, I don't know what they're doing."
A flashback of the group playing Articulate:
Ryan: "These are the elite, the very best, the..."
Ryan's Date: "Oh, oh, white people!"
*Instant groans and facepalms*
Brooks' cheese knife:
Max: "That's a really aggressive way to carry a knife."
[Brooks getting violently beaten up by two thugs]:
Max: "Guys, make sure you get a piece of this cheese."
Max and Annie questioning the 'fake' bartender:
Max: "Bartender, sir, can I ask you a question? You didn't happen to see a fellow brought in here looks a little like me, but he's got a little bit of a sharper chin and higher cheekbones."
Bartender: "So, a better looking guy?"
Annie quoting Pulp Fiction with her 'fake' gun (quote-ception!):
Annie (shouting): "Any of you fucking pricks move and I'll execute every motherfucking last one of you!"
I think of this line-reading all the time when I see blood in film/television:
[Max staring in horror at his bullet wound]
Max (panicked): "B-bloood!"
This understandable mix-up under a stressful situation:
Brooks: "We can't go to the cops! The Bulgarian's got a ton of moles."
Annie: "On his face?!
Brooks: " the police department."
If there are any mob doctors out there, make yourself known:
Max: "No, no hospital. This is a gunshot wound, they'll call the cops."
Annie: "Shit, okay, so we go to a mob doctor, right?"
Max: "Do you know one of those, sweetheart?"
Annie: "No. What about a veterinarian that works for the mob?"
Max: "You know one of those?"
Annie: "...No."
Literally *everything* in the bullet removal scene:
Ryan believes everything he reads, except the newspaper:
Sarah: "Also, if I go home now and then I read in the newspaper tomorrow that you all died, I'll feel shit that I left so I'm going to stick around."
Ryan: "You still read the newspaper?"
Terminator references in stressful situations:
Fight Club Guy: "Does anybody know this guy?"
Ryan (nervously): "I certainly hope so, I'm the CEO of Cyberdyne systems."
For the second time in the movie, someone gets thrown into a table:
Kevin: "Man, glass tables are acting weird tonight."
Brooks: "I cheated at the game of life. And at The Game of Life."
Do people still watch Taken sequels, that's the real question:
Annie: "You're going to crash into the plane like Liam Neeson in Taken 3?"
Max: "He did that in Taken 3, huh?"
A little bit of lamp-shading:
Annie: "Can you charade it to me?"
Max (to himself): "Charades? That's some cute full circle bullshit."
Every time Batman sees his villains dying:
[Bad Guy gets sucked into plane engine]
Annie (relieved): "Yes!!!"
Annie (with fake sadness): "Oh, no he died!"
Thank you for reading my picks for favourite Game Night quotes, feel free to share your own in the comments or on Twitter (@filmdomblog) and Instagram (cinematicwallflower). This is becoming such a comfort movie for me, and if you haven't watched it, I would highly recommend it!
I do not own any of the images or videos used in this post.