The original Jurassic Park movie is one of my favourites ever- it features lovable characters, incredible visual effects, an iconic score and memorable dialogue, a lot of which is inspired by Michael Crichton's novel of the same name. To mark the release of Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom, I've compiled the best quotes from the original 1993 Jurassic Park movie.

Ian Malcolm: God creates dinosaurs. God destroys dinosaurs. God creates man. Man destroys God. Man creates dinosaurs.
Ellie Sattler: ... Dinosaurs eat man. Woman inherits the earth.
Can we see this movie?:
Ian Malcolm: Yeah, but, John, if the Pirates of the Caribbean breaks down, the pirates don't eat the tourists.
Shout this in the theatre before watching Fallen Kingdom:
Ray Arnold: Hold on to your butts
Take a shot every time Jeff Goldblum says 'uh':
Ian Malcolm: Gee, the lack of humility before nature that's being displayed here, uh... staggers me.
The monologue that captures the spirit of the book and provides a strangely meta description of the movie franchise itself:
Ian Malcolm: If I may... Um, I'll tell you the problem with the scientific power that you're using here, it didn't require any discipline to attain it. You read what others had done and you took the next step. You didn't earn the knowledge for yourselves, so you don't take any responsibility for it. You stood on the shoulders of geniuses to accomplish something as fast as you could, and before you even knew what you had, you patented it, and packaged it, and slapped it on a plastic lunchbox, and now you're selling it, you wanna sell it.
My reaction when Disney announced a Boba Fett movie (2021 edit: strange to think that it is now a Disney+ show, and also that present me is very excited for it):
Ian Malcolm: Your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could that they didn't stop to think if they should.
Ha ha- because everyone hates lawyers, right? Though erm I don't really know any:
John Hammond: You're meant to come down here and defend me against these characters, and the only one I've got on my side is the blood-sucking lawyer!
The Velociraptors remain to be the most terrifying dinosaur in all of the Jurassic franchise (...before Star Lord tamed them):
Muldoon: But they never attack the same place twice. They were testing the fences for weaknesses, systematically. They remember.
Whisper this to the person next to you on the plane/train:
Ian Malcolm: God help us, we're in the hands of engineers.
Repeated...many times:
John Hammond: We spared no expense
Ian Malcolm: Life, uh.... finds a way
Constantly thinking about this line and how I can use it in everyday conversation:
Nedry: Dodgson, Dodgson, we've got Dodgson here! Nobody cares.
One to use with your friends:
Nedry: Don't get cheap on me, Dodgson
Always cool under pressure:
Ian: Must go faster
One of the most magical moments in cinema:
John Hammond: Dr. Grant, my dear Dr. Sattler, welcome... to Jurassic Park.
Petition to bring Laura Dern back to the franchise (edit from 2021: they listened!!):
Ellie Sattler: We can discuss sexism in survival situations when I get back.
Muldoon is such a legend:
Muldoon: Clever girl
Watching Jurassic Park 3 (edit from 2021: watching Fallen Kingdom):
Ian Malcolm: That is one big pile of shit.
Maybe I should've just done a 'Best Ian Malcolm Quotes' post instead:
Ian Malcolm: You think they'll have that on the tour?
This blog post has to end some time:
When you gotta go, you gotta go
Did I miss out any of your favourite quotes? Leave them in the comments below or on Twitter/Instagram!